About Us

Born from the idea that anyone who wants to learn can, Be Your Own Mentor strives to help all writers seeking to improve their craft.

With demand for mentorship programs like Pitch Wars and Author Mentor Match growing, there are always talented writers who don’t find their perfect match, or who don’t feel a mentorship contest is right for them. BYOMentor provides revision guidance, craft worksheets, and industry knowledge so writers can revise and get query-ready on their own. Mentors across multiple organizations will give writers the tools they need to take on revisions themselves.

Go at your own pace, learn, put in the work, and make your manuscript shine. You’ve got this.

Follow BYOMentor on twitter @BYOMentor, and use the hashtag #BYOMentor to ask questions and engage with other writers in the program.


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Rosiee Thor and Rachel Griffin met in 2016 when they were both chosen as mentees for Pitch Wars. The intense process gave them both a crash course in revision, deadlines, and the nature of the publishing industry. They are both now mentors to other writers, and critique partners for each other. They got the idea for BYOMentor one summer day when neither of them was on deadline and they forgot how time management works.